Soil-related projects in partnership with Brussels

Kick-off meeting of the LIFE15 projects on soil-related themes.

On 14 October, the headquarters of the European agency EASME (Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) in Brussels hosted the kick-off meeting of the LIFE15 soil-related projects, including SOS4LIFE.

Representing the partners, the meeting was attended by the Project Manager, Stefano Bazzocchi, and Cristina Vallicelli, of the European Projects and International Relations Department of the Municipality of Forlì.

It was an opportunity for a brief illustration of the 8 projects declared eligible for funding as part of the LIFE2015 call on this theme (6 of which are Italian), with particular focus on the Community policies the various projects refer to, as well as a chance to tackle the various management aspects of the projects (support guaranteed by the Monitoring Team, methods for implementing the project, report drafting, communication and dissemination), including suggestions and indications for guaranteeing sustainability, replicability and transferability.

