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Assessment of soil ecosystem services and territorial planning

Reduction of soil consumption has become an objective increasingly declared in the planning documents of territories that focus on soil protection and conservation of the landscape. For a reflection on the topic, here is some material produced by project partners CNR Ibimet and the Geological, Seismic and Soil Department of the Emilia Romagna Region: analysis […]


Soil-related projects in partnership with Brussels

Kick-off meeting of the LIFE15 projects on soil-related themes. On 14 October, the headquarters of the European agency EASME (Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) in Brussels hosted the kick-off meeting of the LIFE15 soil-related projects, including SOS4LIFE. Representing the partners, the meeting was attended by the Project Manager, Stefano Bazzocchi, and Cristina Vallicelli, of […]


The SOS4Life project gets underway

The Municipality of Forlì has hosted the kick-off meeting that officially launched the SOS4Life – Save Our Soil for Life European project, which was recently declared eligible for funding by the European Commission as part of the LIFE Environment and Resource Efficiency call. SOS4Life is a demonstration project that aims to contribute to implementation, at […]